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Can I Get Rid of My Ear Keloids ?

Writer: Valluri KrishnaValluri Krishna

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

What are keloids?

Keloids are overgrowths of scar tissue commonly caused by Trauma to your Skin. A Keloid forms when an overgrowth of granulation tissue (Type-3 collagen) is replaced by Type-1 collagen. Keloids grow beyond the boundaries of the original wound, in contrast to Hypertrophic Scars, which will appear as a Raised Scar but not grow as large as many Keloids. It is unclear why Keloids occur but more commonly seen in people with darker skin, including African American, Asian, and Hispanic populations. Keloids may affect people of all ages, but most people start developing keloids after puberty. They’re common after ear piercings and can form on both the lobe and cartilage of your ear. Keloids can range in color from light pink to dark brown. Keloids can be itchy or painful. They may also grow to be quite large and may distort or deform the ear.

Do Keloids Occur More Commonly after Ear Piercing?

Getting your ears pierced might be perceived sometimes as a serious injury by your body. As the wound from piercing heal, fibrous scar tissue starts to replace old skin tissue. Sometimes your body makes excess scar tissue, leading to Keloids. This extra tissue starts to spread out from the original wound, causing a bump or small mass that’s larger than the original piercing. On the ear, keloids typically begin as small round bumps around the piercing site. Sometimes they develop quickly, but usually they appear several months after you pierce your ear. Your keloid may continue growing slowly for the next few months. Auricular Keloids are usually firm, rubbery, fibrous nodules and can occur in earlobes as well as in the skin and cartilage of the ear. Ear keloids can vary in color, from flesh colored to pink to dark brown. A dumbell shaped Keloid is a more common type of Keloid formation seen nowadays, where it involves both the sides of the earlobe, passing through the piercing hole.

Keloid due to Ear Piercing
Ear Keloid

Can Ear Keloids be Removed?

Keloids are usually hard to get rid of. Even when they’re successfully removed, they tend to reappear eventually. They are known for their notorius tendancy to recur after surgical excision. Most surgeons recommend a combination of different treatments for long-lasting results. The options to get a Keloid removal can be broadly grouped into A) Surgical & B) Non-Surgical

A. Surgical Removal

Your doctor can surgically remove a keloid from your ear using a scalpel under local anesthesia. This usually take half an hour to one hour. However, this creates a new wound that will likely develop a keloid as well. When treated with surgery alone, Keloids usually come back. That’s why many of the best plastic surgeons typically use a combination of other treatments, in addition to surgery, that prevent the keloid from coming back. Most commonly a Radiotherapy Session or a series of Corticosteroid Injections are used. Dr Krishna is one of Best Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon in Hyderabad who has successfully treated many patients with Ear Keloids post Piercing.

Pre & Post Surgical Image showing results of Keloid Surgical Excision
Before and After Keloid Surgery

B. Non-Surgical Removal

There are also several nonsurgical treatment options one can try. While you might not be able to completely get rid of a keloid, many of these options can help to significantly shrink it.

Corticosteroids and other injections

Plastic Surgeons can inject calculated doses of corticosteroids directly into your keloid to help shrink it, relieve symptoms, and make it softer. You’ll receive injections every three to four weeks until the keloid improves. This usually takes about four to six sessions. Many experience relief from symptoms and around 50-60% shrinkage. However, many people also experience a reoccurrence within five years. When combined with surgery, it can help to a greater extent of decreasing the chances of recurrence.

Laser treatment

Laser treatments can reduce the size and fade the color of keloids. Like most other treatments, laser therapy is usually done in conjunction with another method. CO2 lasers can be used on experimental basis as they have show good compliance in hypertrophic scars.

Silicone Gel Sheets

A silicone gel sheet is used as another common adjuvant treatment to help reduce the size of Keloids and make them more flat. They are particularly helpful in flat keloids and used along with corticosteroid therapy.

Retinoid creams

Your doctor may prescribe a retinoid cream to help reduce the size and appearance of your keloid. Studies show that retinoids can slightly reduce the size and symptoms, particularly itchiness, of Keloids.


Cryotherapy treatments work by freezing the keloid. They work best when combined with other treatments, especially steroid injections. Your doctor may recommend three or more cryotherapy treatments, either before or after receiving your series of steroid injections.


A ligature is a surgical thread that’s tied around the base of larger keloids. Over time, the thread cuts into the keloid and causes it to fall off. You’ll need to have a new ligature tied on every three to four weeks until your keloid falls off. This method is not practised much nowadays except the ayurvedic practitioners and isnt helpful for large and flat keloids.

Dr Valluri Mukesh Krishna is one of the Best Plastic Surgeons in Hyderabad, Highly Experienced in Keloid Treatment and Surgery at a feasible cost and has accomplished many Successful Procedures. Always consult a board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon for achieving optimal and safe results than self-proclaimed beauticians or cosmetologists.



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